Review: Raspberry Pi for Dummies (4th Edition)
New to Raspberry Pi? Don't worry - Raspberry Pi for Dummiers has all you need to know in order to get up-and-running in no time.
New to Raspberry Pi? Don't worry - Raspberry Pi for Dummiers has all you need to know in order to get up-and-running in no time.
The official Raspberry Pi Zero case is already an excellent enclosure for your Pi Zero / Pi Zero W, especially if you make use of the camera module cover as this provides a self-contained camera setup, ideal for CCTV or home security.
Keep your plants hydrated with our Pi Zero W soil moisture senor with Slack notifications!
Get notifications of your social followers in Slack!
Host your very own Ghost blog on a Raspberry Pi!
Build your very own Raspberry Pi powered mini arcade machine with our free template!
Using a Raspberry Pi Zero to play music in your car on the go!
Have a roaming Raspberry Pi connect to various WiFi networks with ease.
Take the hassle of out the Internet of Things and build your own DIY projects.
Get mobile notifications when movement is detected by your home CCTV!
Add extra USB ports to your Raspberry pi with this 4=
Become your audiophile journey with a DAC-enabled Raspberry Pi!
See in the dark with this ingenius night vision camera hack!
Hints & Tips
Don't suffer connection issues! See how to resolve Bluetooth woes quickly.
Hints & Tips
With so many to choose from, which one is best for your project?
Hints & Tips
See my article, "Adding Push Notifications to MotionEyeOS" in print.
A ground-breaking computer inside a ground-breaking games console.
Keep the screen clutter down when booting your Raspberry Pi.
Which tools are essential for your next Raspberry Pi project?