Install and run Ghost on a Raspberry Pi
Host your very own Ghost blog on a Raspberry Pi!
I’ve always been one for tinkering and trying something new when it comes to the world of technology. Those of you who follow this site and my X (formerly Twitter) ramblings announcements will notice I like to get involved and share my knowledge where possible.
Now, I’m not getting all spiritual on you here – I’m talking about the blogging platform called Ghost. It is a relatively new blogging platform, that is lightweight and easy to use, and perfect for installing and hosting on a Raspberry Pi - in fact, this website is now hosted on Ghost after moving from WordPress!
Rather than repeat what I have already done, I would like to direct you all to my very own Ghost blog. Aptly named Ghost Pi, my blog details how to install and run Ghost on a Raspberry Pi, and is hosted on a Raspberry Pi 3.
So why not head on over and check it out?